TeaTek at Servizi a Rete Tour 2022

TeaTek at Servizi a Rete Tour 2022

During the ‘Servizi a Rete Tour 2022’ event organized by Acea and Servizi a Rete, the new remote control system designed for Acqua public Sabina, the water manager that affects 70 municipalities between Rieti and Rome, was presented in Rome. «An obligatory...
TeaTek at B HEROES

TeaTek at B HEROES

On June 17, 2021, our CEO Felice Granisso participated in the final of B Heroes, the acceleration path of 16 startups of Intesa Sanpaolo and Borsa Italiana. In particular, Felice Granisso participated in the panel on sustainability and...
Meeting with Minister Amendola and President Grassi

Meeting with Minister Amendola and President Grassi

A special meeting was held on July 10 at the TeaTek head quarter in Naples.In fact, we had the honor of hosting the Minister for European Affairs  Enzo Amendola and the delegation of  Confindustria Campania led by President Vito Grassi. During the day spent in our...