water management and control

tt control pro

A new tool for water control

TT CONTROL PRO is a software for the management and intelligent control of industrial processes, born with the experience gained in 15 years of projects in the field of water distribution and treatment plants.

TT CONTROL PRO offers the customer the possibility of configuring the plant’s operating scenario with a software compatible with the one already installed.
All without the support of a software designer.

TT CONTROL PRO has a large contemporary processing capacity, in fact it manages up to 54 digital inputs, 20 digital outputs, 20 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs.


TT CONTROL PRO is an all-in-one intelligent automation and control system that offers many advantages both to the operator and to the system.
Its configuration can be easily performed and does not require any additional control device or the use of software programming tools.
The continuous search for the latest technologies, and the most widespread on the market, offers full modification or updating autonomy, simple and robust components make it an efficient and reliable system over time with virtually zero maintenance costs.



Composed only of a PLC and a Touch Screen panel. It can be configured in the field directly from the screen without resorting to software programming.

Augmented reality

The screen recognizes the parts of the system and visually provides the possibility of modifying the operating parameters according to the needs of the moment.

Safe and interconnected

Possibility to connect it to other industrial hardware via GPS / GPR and data SIM. It allows you to intervene at any time in the event of an alarm or system malfunction.

industry 4.0


TT Control PRO has received the industry 4.0 mark because it is recognized as a high-tech product


The manual, which can be downloaded at the bottom by clicking on the link, contains all the technical specifications of the TT CONTROL PRO.
Hardware and software features, features and configuration details.
How to derive trends and datalogs, how to set up automatic activities and alarms.
Download the PDF and you will find out why the TT CONTROL PRO is the complete solution suited to your needs!

market leader since 2016

TT CONTROL PRO has been present on the Italian market since 2016. In just a few years it has gained the trust of many important customers in the industrial plants and water distribution sector. The ever-increasing sales results are proof of the value of the product.

Companies that use it

Total installations

2019 installations

fair h2o bologna – 2018

contact the service


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tt control pro certifications

Teatek S.P.A.

NAPOLI Via S. Lucia 36 - 80132

NAPOLI: Via Maddaloni snc c/o Consorzio 'AREA' - 80011 ACERRA
ROMA: Contrada Piombinara snc - 00034 COLLEFERRO
MILANO*: Via Polveriera 25 - 20026 NOVATE MILANESE



+39 08118919610

P.IVA 06362981216

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TeaTek Logo Perry Johnson
TeaTek Logo PJ
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